6 Tips On Disciplining Your Preschooler From Their Teachers

Montessori Academy of Arcadia
3 min readMar 17, 2020

Many parents face a unique problem; their child is a model child in their Childcare Arcadia, CA center, and little hellion at home! Naturally, the parents are bewildered regarding what exactly they are doing wrong that the teachers in the childcare are doing right. If you are in the same situation and feeling bad because of it, here are some tips on how to discipline your child shared by your preschooler’s teachers.

  • The “carrot and stick” policy is not always a good one. If you reward your child for behavior or task that he or she should be doing, then it becomes meaningless. The child will do the “good” task/behavior for reward and not because it should be done. So, when you fail to reward him down the line, he will stop doing the task/behavior because it is not beneficial to him.
  • In place of the reward and punishment system, child-rearing experts say the focus should be on the “connection before correction” method. What it means is that you connect with your child’s situation first and then offer the correctional behavior. For example, if your child hits out in frustration, instead of punishing him, talk with him about how you understand that he is angry and frustrated, and then correct his behavior by pointing out the correct ways he can vent his frustration without hitting anyone.
  • The third thing is something we all know but in time of anger or frustration, forget it; and that is be the model of good behavior. We should behave in the same way as we want our children to behave. And it includes how you behave with others; if you misbehave with strangers due to little confrontation, your child will pick up that as his model to follow.
  • Conflict resolution is a skill a child should learn even when he is childcare in Arcadia, CA. Encourage your child to talk to the person with whom they are having a conflict and teach him to respect others’ opinions. Learning how to take in criticism is also an important part of learning how to do conflict resolution.
  • Many of your child’s misbehavior or not listening to you can be avoided if you take better preventive action. For example, if your child has been warned not to climb the stairs on his own, it is better that you place a gate at the top than always reprimanding him or her for not listening to you. Similarly, place a tool near the bathroom sink so that he can stand and wash his hands on his own rather than forgoing it before eating.
  • Your informal actions can have a great impact on your child’s discipline. Giving him or her a nonverbal acknowledgment like a hug or a smile when he shows positive behavior is a great idea. Teachers employ such actions in the classroom to have a better positive classroom environment; you can do the same in your home to continue that.

So, these are some of the great tips that teachers from childcare centers can share with you so that you can better discipline your child at home.



Montessori Academy of Arcadia

Montessori Academy of Arcadia offers quality preschool and daycare services in Arcadia and Monrovia in California.